When I first read the above article during my school days three decades ago, then I really laughed at this idea. With age, I got spiritually inclined and I slowly realized that it is absolutely true. Being a Computer Science Engineer I was able to figure it out. Now let me share it from my viewpoint of understanding.
What is a Computer?
The Hardware run by OS with Apps running in it.
What Is The Universe?
The Physical World run by Almighty with Souls living in it.
So what we see is-
Hardware = Physical World
OS = Almighty
Apps = Souls
Some common properties of-
Hardware/ Physical World - They perish.
Apps/ Souls - They are unique, eternal, and evolve.
OS/ Almighty - They act as a kernel restricting access to Hardware/ Physical World from Apps/ Souls.
Vendor/ The Creator (A team of programmers.) - Busy fixing issues in the OS/ Almighty and periodically updates them.
If you have time then go through https://arxiv.org/pdf/1312.4455v1.pdf. Honestly, I didn't go through it but shared my beliefs and understanding with you folks.